Every so often I remember I want to be a writer. It’s a repeat revelation I’ve been having for 20+ years. I was at a party recently and someone asked what I write and this is what came out: I write about how to survive the incoherence that is modern life. I’m actually not sure how to do that, but I am writing as a way to discover how to do it. Not sure that cleared it up for the person I was answering, but maybe you catch the vibe?
Let’s try this for now: I write about presence, the present, parenting and astrology sometimes too, over at VENUS IN GEMINI. Practically, my newsletter is also the place I update you on my astrology readings calendar, special events, and biz stuff like that.
Below are a few pretty old examples of my writing, in case you are old school and like to hang out on people’s actual websites for a few minutes!

How not making enough milk for my child dissolved my myth of individualism.
the plan is never what happens

notes to myself on my wedding anniversary
my love got me a hippy coke, which I’m blissfully drinking right now